Your Giving Impact
January 1, 2025 - Year to Date
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44% increase this time last year
Transportation Trips to cancer treatment
Nights of Lodging near cancer treatment
Support Contacts to cancer fighters
Volunteer Hours by dedicated Volunteers
“Nathan was approved for his study. We had a great trip to Georgia, thanks to Cancer Support Services’ assistance with transportation and lodging. What you all do is priceless and means so much for cancer fighters and their families. You have taken the stress and burden off us and cannot thank you enough for it - especially since Nathan was in a wheelchair. Nathan loves his personalized quilt. Thank you for your continued prayers for Nathan. Please also pray for Nathan’s mom, as she is fighting breast cancer right now, as well”
Kevin, father of 16-year-old Nathan
Fighting brain cancer in Massachusetts
“I was diagnosed with BRAF mutation tumors in 2019 and started having seizures. 2021 on my 34th Birthday I had surgery. April 2022 it came back with a vengeance out of nowhere and was bleeding on my brain. I lost my sight and the use of my right side. During my fight with this tumor cancer, I had the honor of staying at the Daksha Chudgar Lydia House with my mom who took a leave of absence from work to help with my care and my three children. The Lydia House provided transportation to my chemo and then to weeks of daily radiation treatments. They also provided snacks, drink and food. I must say I have met some of the most nicest and caring staff, volunteers, and other patients who are all now like family. I would recommend this facility to people who are far and near and dealing with the same situation. Cancer. Job 23:10.”
Courtney, Fighting brain cancer in South Carolina
“Last year was a busy year for my wife and I as we had to travel four hours, one way, back and forth from home to Augusta after finding out I had multiple myeloma. We are both grateful to Cancer Support Services for providing lodging and transport from the Daksha Chudgar Lydia House to the Georgia Cancer Center for bone marrow treatment. Besides the great food and friendly volunteers who devoted their time to be with us during our stays, we are truly blessed to have found caring friends who made sure we kept our appointments on time. I am hoping and praying for further recovery in 2022 and I thank you for your prayers. Cancer Support Services is truly a blessing.”